Marital Bliss

I have often been amused by the expression 'marital bliss'. Is it metaphysical where two disjointed things are 'yolked together as one' or is it oxymoronic as some of you might say 'Marriage and bliss?...phew! they simply can't co-exist!' They never lived 'happily ever after in fairy tales, c'mon!' Of course, some of the 'happily married' ones with a track record of a couple of decades of being wedded together in love will probably think marriage is bliss and bliss is marriage while the rest of the others in that fold might think that marriage is anything but is a constant exercise of smoothening the rough edges, forgetting the fights and getting back (in bed and otherwise) together as if nothing has ever happened, wiping tears and getting back to making breakfast for kids and spouse for a brand new day... Now the question is why talk about marital bliss at all? Do we ever think of the word 'Happy' that we use most loosely all the time? Be Happy...Happy Birth Day..Happy Wedding Anniversary...Can marital bliss be dismised and forgotten about like a travel ticket or a discount coupon that you have bought and never availed or is it like the search for Eldorado...where the search keeps us going, living each day a little better. 
     Marital bliss, real or imaginary, probably hinges itself on a few other elusive terms like 'fidelity', 'love', 'compassion', 'honesty', 'care', 'sharing' and so on, and perhaps the degree to which we perceive marital bliss in our lives depends majorly on how much of each of these elements exist in our marriages. Is it really easy to be married to some one human being by mind, heart and soul, forever, till death do us apart? Or is it like being clipped together for ages by societal norms where after a point living with the partner becomes more of a habit than a need, a necessity rather than a voluntary or conscious choice? To some being in a marriage any which way is probably a biss while to others the search for bliss goes on forever where marriage to one person is purely incidental... a milestone merely...

I will leave you here to muse on these trails of thougth and next time we meet, we shall discuss 'fidelity in marriage' . Why so much on marriage you may wonder...simple...single or married, you could never wipe the word off the cobweb of your life completely ever!
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