Motherhood has always been celebrated as a magic, an eternal joy, a priceless treasure that endows a woman with fulfillment and completeness. But perhaps this has been a feeling and sentiment cherished and nurtured by the bygone generations of mothers who have mostly been satisfied with a life revolving around their children and families, with probably very little urge to make a niche for themselves in the world of professions and careers. That is not to say that the world has not seen greatly successful career women who were equally successful as mothers, and who have gifted the world well brought-up kids----educated, well-groomed, responsible and capable of being the able future generation who would take up the task of building a better world.

However, the need for hands that can rock he cradle and rule the world with equal dexterity in those days were far too less in comparison to that of today where there is a gigantic rise within the women population across the globe of educated and qualified women, who like men, are capable of harnessing their potential in various fields to establish themselves professionally. For them, motherhood does come with a host of challenges and compromises underneath the joy of giving birth to a new life.

Motherhood entails vital changes in a woman---physical, emotional, and what is more surprising, economic too! While a fashionable, well-maintained career woman may not mind the increasing weight and girth that entails nine-months of child-bearing, she may also find herself growing diffident and hiding under the table at work, for being a rolling mass of flesh with bouts of uncontrollable morning or afternoon sickness. This at times sadly affects her work and might also result in her being discriminated against where someone else may be chosen for a promotion or a recommendation well-deserved by her after years of hard work and labour. She, perhaps, ignores this as something utterly trivial when compared to the joy of showing the life growing in her womb the light of the day. At times, she may also have to give up her career due to the complications that a difficult pregnancy involves, and it is not a small sacrifice at all. Apart from handling terrible pregnancy-rendered mood swings and emotional crises, it also takes away from her the invaluable financial freedom that she has been used to for so long.

At the end of nine months of child-bearing, comes the moment of joy where torn by the throes of birth pangs, she finally hears the first cry of her baby and holds her bundle of joy in her arms for the first time! This momentary pleasure and novelty however is soon replaced by endless days and nights of sleeplessness, tending to the baby, changing his nappy, feeding him at regular intervals, and so on. By this time, she is used to going through the ordeals of pain and hard labour all be herself amidst extremely well-meaning relatives and friends, who, for all their empathy, can just be there but do nothing, as most of it requires  mother's love, care and attention.
Depending on her priorities, a working woman may choose to smilingly provide the constant attention and nurturing that an infant needs for several years till the child grows up and is independent, or can resume work after a couple of months, replacing herself with a trustworthy nanny. In case of the latter, sometimes the guilt pangs can be tremendous. Even if the woman may feel satisfied with managing work, home and children with utmost sincerity and perfection, a good amount of societal pressure might make her feel guilty for not spending enough time with her child. She will be made to forget that it is not quantity but quality time with her baby that matters.
All of these for motherhood, can at times, be a bit too much to handle. Hence many career women choose to be childless today. And for the host of others who cannot decide when to start a family, the decision remains as difficult as ever----it is a leap of faith, and a choice to sacrifice several valuable things for that million-dollar gummy smile of the baby!
Marital Bliss

I have often been amused by the expression 'marital bliss'. Is it metaphysical where two disjointed things are 'yolked together as one' or is it oxymoronic as some of you might say 'Marriage and bliss?...phew! they simply can't co-exist!' They never lived 'happily ever after in fairy tales, c'mon!' Of course, some of the 'happily married' ones with a track record of a couple of decades of being wedded together in love will probably think marriage is bliss and bliss is marriage while the rest of the others in that fold might think that marriage is anything but is a constant exercise of smoothening the rough edges, forgetting the fights and getting back (in bed and otherwise) together as if nothing has ever happened, wiping tears and getting back to making breakfast for kids and spouse for a brand new day... Now the question is why talk about marital bliss at all? Do we ever think of the word 'Happy' that we use most loosely all the time? Be Happy...Happy Birth Day..Happy Wedding Anniversary...Can marital bliss be dismised and forgotten about like a travel ticket or a discount coupon that you have bought and never availed or is it like the search for Eldorado...where the search keeps us going, living each day a little better. 
     Marital bliss, real or imaginary, probably hinges itself on a few other elusive terms like 'fidelity', 'love', 'compassion', 'honesty', 'care', 'sharing' and so on, and perhaps the degree to which we perceive marital bliss in our lives depends majorly on how much of each of these elements exist in our marriages. Is it really easy to be married to some one human being by mind, heart and soul, forever, till death do us apart? Or is it like being clipped together for ages by societal norms where after a point living with the partner becomes more of a habit than a need, a necessity rather than a voluntary or conscious choice? To some being in a marriage any which way is probably a biss while to others the search for bliss goes on forever where marriage to one person is purely incidental... a milestone merely...

I will leave you here to muse on these trails of thougth and next time we meet, we shall discuss 'fidelity in marriage' . Why so much on marriage you may wonder...simple...single or married, you could never wipe the word off the cobweb of your life completely ever!
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